and are official websites of Jean-Daniel Sudres, photographer operating from 5 & 7 Rue Moret in Paris (75011, France).
Summary of Terms and Conditions
The use of any photographic works found on the website and implies full and complete acknowledgement and acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
The photographic works presented on and websites are protected by the Code of Intellectual Property and the international conventions pertaining to literary and artistic property. These images remain the property of the author or his assignees. Reproductions are subject to royalties based on copyright laws.
Any use or exploitation of these photographs without the author’s permission, in addition to any act of copyright infringement, gives right to payment of a minimum guaranteed fee equal to five times the amount normally due for this operation.
It is expressly forbidden to use these photographs in the context of pornography, racism, violence, or towards any other ends which might be litigious or prejudicial to the author, his assignees and/or any represented third parties.
The Contract is upheld by French law, even in case of use or exploitation of the contents under license outside of French territory.
In case of litigation, only the courts of the jurisdiction of Paris will be deemed competent and only the French laws and practices are applicable.
Site Editors
- Publisher: Jean-Daniel Sudres
- Publication Director: Jean-Daniel Sudres
- Managing Editor: Jean-Daniel Sudres
- Web development: David Brabyn / digitaltechparis for Jean-Daniel Sudres
- Hosting: OVH, 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France
As Relating to The Act on Data-processing, Data Files, and Individual Liberties.
Pursuant to Law No. 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 on Data-processing, Data Files, and Individual Liberties, you have rights concerning the opposition (art. 26 of the Act), access (art.34 to 38 of the Act) and rectification (art. 36 of the Act) of any data and information that pertains to you. Thus, you can request that information regarding your person that is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, outdated or whose collection, use, or storage is prohibited, be rectified, completed, updated or deleted.
Any information that you provide is strictly for the use of Jean-Daniel Sudres. This information will not be disclosed to any third parties.
You have the right to request access, modify, rectify and or have deleted data pertaining to you (art. 34 of the Act “Data-processing, Data Files, and Individual Liberties”). To do so, please send a letter to Jean-Daniel Sudres, Voyage Gourmand, Service internet, 5 Rue Moret, 75011 Paris, France.